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--Submitted by Deborah Rose--



Uncle John was, and is, very dear to me. My Uncle John took my Dad's place in my life after my dad passed on.





When Uncle John became ill and was ready to leave us, I had the honor of being with him. I was speaking to this wonderful man, of the love I had for him and the knowledge that his love for me was more than returned.





I spoke about it being okay for him to continue on his journey without his defective physical body. And then I saw a vision in the corner of the room, to the left of the foot of the hospital bed.






My Father, (Uncle John's brother), was there, along with his deceased wife, mother, sisters, brothers and friends. All these people were standing around a table with a huge white decorated cake on it. With wonderful smiles upon their faces, they began to light the candles and sing Happy Birthday.





At that point I understood, and spoke to my Uncle. I described the scene, and told him it was his Birth Day into Heaven. With all the numerous candles lit, I held my uncle, told him to take only the one step necessary toward the brilliant white light of his cake. And with this one step, all these loved ones would reach out and catch him, bringing him home again.






With that assurance, I watched as my Uncle held tight to me with one hand, reached out with the other and moved forward slightly. And than the true party began. All these loved ones grabbed his outstretched hand, and welcomed him to his heaven with them. The smile on Uncle John's face would have lit up any room. Hugs and kisses welcomed him back home. I am honored to have been included in his Birth Day Party and to have been any help with the process.





The brilliant white light was enhanced by the beautiful music of the angels. I will never forget the beautiful good-bye Uncle John gave me. And since then, many people have heard my story and have lost their fear of their own Death.





Thank you for allowing me to share this special time in my life with you. There are no accidents. A friend of mine suggested that I visit Bryson's Angels web site today. As I look at the date, it is the sixth anniversary date this evening of my Uncle John's Party.   I had to share this with you all.  There truly are no accidents or coincidences, are there?  Happy Birthday, Uncle John!  (Thank You, Uncle John).





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